Borrowdale Camp, 1986 These photographs of Borrowdale Camp were kindly donated to the archive by Alan McDonald (Biology and Master in charge of Borrowdale). They date from 1986, a year when the site was flooded, the marqu… 0 1986 27/06/2023
Borrowdale, 1980 This photograph was taken in 1980 at Borrowdale Camp. Kindly donated by Simon Stocks 0 1980 27/06/2023
Hoots from the Archive - New Additions We regularly receive new accessions of material for the archive from Old Mancunians and others. Here are some highlights of what we have received this summer: Iceland Expedition hiking equipment: We … 0 2022 01/09/2022
Hoots from the Archive - The MGS Camps High Master Christopher Ray introduced a dedicated "Activities Week" as part of the MGS year in the mid-2000s. Run in the penultimate week of the Summer term, some boys stay on-site and enjoy activit… 0 2022 30/06/2022
Borrowdale Camp, 1949 Grasmere campers visit Borrowdale Camp, Whit 1949. 1st and 2nd from right - Ian Bailey and Sol Clynes 0 1949 18/03/2022