30 Oxbridge offers for 2023

Posted by Sitara Bartle on 03 Feb 2023

Modified by Sitara Bartle on 12 Feb 2024

30 Oxbridge offers for 2023

Pupils at The Manchester Grammar School have been highly successful in securing offers for the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

30 pupils have received offers from Cambridge and Oxford, placing MGS in a very select group of top academic schools nationally.

Pupils have received offers to study a very wide range of courses, including Earth Sciences, Archaeology and Anthropology, Russian, Chemistry, Mathematics, Law, Economics and Human, Social and Political Sciences.

School Captain Zach studies English, History, Mathematics and Philosophy and has an offer to read History at Trinity College, Cambridge. Zach commented: “I’m very excited to have received an offer to study at Cambridge University next year. I have always loved stories of the past, and am looking forward to continuing my academic exploration at University – especially debating and refining my ideas with the fellows and tutors – diving into all the societies, and grasping all the opportunities that will be on offer. I couldn’t have done it without the incredible support of my history teachers Mr Strother and Mrs Carter, Head of History Mr Hern and the entire department, as well as the MGS Sixth Form team. I’m immensely grateful for their patience and generosity of time in answering my many questions and reading drafts and redrafts of my application”.

He added: “I’m also incredibly proud of everyone in Year 13 for having gone through the stressful UCAS admissions process. Huge congratulations to everyone who received an offer, Oxbridge or otherwise, and good luck to all as we head off to an exciting next stage in education, or work, here or abroad. All that’s left to do is to work hard and meet our offers! The shift to university life is going to be both thrilling and challenging. Yet I will always remember fondly my time as a part of the MGS community and the lifelong friends, qualities and outlook I have gained from my time at the school. During our final months before exams, I’m able to reflect on my MGS experience as one that has set me up for an exciting (and hopefully successful) future”.

Well done to all pupils and we wish them the very best of luck in their upcoming examinations!


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