Chief Rabbi visits The Manchester Grammar School

Posted by Sitara Bartle on 05 Feb 2024

Modified by Sitara Bartle on 05 Feb 2024

Chief Rabbi visits The Manchester Grammar School

On 4 February 2024, The Manchester Grammar School had the honour of hosting Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis KBE for its annual Jewish Society Lunch. The event brought together current pupils, staff, Old Mancunians, family, and friends to celebrate the accomplishments of the MGS Jewish community over the past year.

Year 12 pupil Jack, a Jewish Society Chair for the 2023-24 academic year, revealed the meticulous planning involved in overcoming challenges posed by Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis KBE's schedule. The team, adapting to schedule adjustments, successfully organised the Jewish Society Lunch one month earlier to accommodate the Chief Rabbi’s availability. Despite tight time constraints, the team's efforts ensured a successful event, showcasing their commitment to delivering a meaningful experience. The occasion commenced with a welcome speech from Hannah Salomon, the Jewish Society liaison.

A J-Soc Chair introduced Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, who, in his address, commended the school's commitment to protecting the Jewish community. The Chief Rabbi praised the events hosted by the Jewish Society, emphasising the School's supportive environment that respects and celebrates faith. He underscored the significance of unity within the Jewish community.

he event also included a delightful Kosher meal, providing a platform for meaningful conversations and connections among attendees. Reflecting on the Chief Rabbi's visit, Jack highlighted the thriving Jewish Society at MGS. He acknowledged the numerous weekly events organised by the society, fostering an understanding of the diverse aspects of the Jewish faith. Notable among these events was a recent talk by Holocaust survivor Ike Alterman, emphasising the Society's dedication to educating younger generations about Jewish history.

Jack expressed gratitude for the collaborative effort involved in organizing the event, recognising the contributions of Dr Boulton, Mrs Graham, Dr Crawshaw, Mr Farr, Mr Jones, and the School's porters.

Jack concluded by saying: “We cannot wait to see what the next 12 months has in store for the Jewish Society at The Manchester Grammar School!”


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