For a list of names on the MGS WWI and WWII Memorials, click the link below:
For the MGS WWI Memorial book, click on the links below (ordered in alphabetical order by surname)
For a list of names on the MGS WWI and WWII Memorials, click the link below:
For the MGS WWI Memorial book, click on the links below (ordered in alphabetical order by surname)
Have you found the Memorial Board from St Thomas's Church, Ardwick Green ….my father's name is on it 🤔????k
Hi Bryan,
We haven't been able to undertake research to see where all our Old Mancunians are commemorated - it would be a big task. It makes sense that many of the names would also be included on church and local memorial. Was your father an Old Mancunian?
Best wishes,
I remember reading those panels and, especially when I was in the sixth form, thinking that many of those commemorated there were not much old than I was. A sobering thought.
Do those panels list members of the Merchant Navy? The merch suffered a higher casualty rate than any of the armed forces. According to the Imperial War Museum, 25% of British Merchant Seamen in 1939 were killed by war's end.
After leaving MGS, I read Marine Engineering at Newcastle and joined the merch as an engineering officer. I sailed with men who had been at sea during WWII, one of them had been torpedoed twice and another had been a POW in Japanese POW camp.
Thanks Victor - I'll have to do some more work on the different strands of the forces represented on the boards. It seems likely that at least some were in the Merchant Navy, although the Navy as a whole was, I think, underrepresented in comparison with the RAF and Army.
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Thank you for posting, felt very moved reading it