Film Footage of the Queen's Visit, March 1965

Posted by Rachel Kneale on 02 Jun 2022

Modified by Rachel Kneale on 20 Apr 2023

The Queen, 1965


Ian Thorpe

1 Like Posted 2 years ago

It was a pity that one of the Queen's entourage pointed out that the diamond-shaped coat of arms exhibited in the Memorial Hall was in fact a misappropriation of the arms of the Founder, Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter. Subsequently the Old Mancunians' Association provided the funds for the School to have its own coat of arms issued by the College of Heralds.

Chris Beswick

4 Likes Posted 2 years ago

I remember lining the drive as the Queen - a tiny figure - walked all the way down from the front gates. Security nightmare of course, were it to happen now. I was amazed at how photographers managed to walk  the full length of the drive backwards, without falling over.

I was one of the lucky students in 4A who successfully drew lots for a place at lunch in the refectory. Undoubtedly the best meal ever but I suppose Mrs Swanson had a rather larger budget than what would have been possible from the normal shilling dinner ticket. The High Master gave a speech and announced that the Queen had graciously commanded him to add a day (or was it two days?) to the holidays.

Apparently, even the more strongly republican-minded members of staff were star-struck and impressed by the Queen. She was incredibly well briefed and prepared. Terry John - who webt on to become an HMI in foreign languages - said she had spoken to him in fluent French.

There were stories of the requirement to construct a soundproof loo, for the exclusive  use of Her Majesty. I actually saw it, 54 years later, on a visit to the school with my friend Dave Moores, when we were shown round by a charming OM even older than us.

All in all, the Queen's visit was quite a day to remember.

Rachel Kneale

0 Likes Posted 2 years ago

Thank you Chris, it was wonderful to read your memories of the day

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