High Master's Corridor, 1950s - Images by John Ellis

Posted by Rachel Kneale on 17 Mar 2022

Modified by Rachel Kneale on 21 Sep 2022

High Master's Corridor

These two photographs were taken by John Ellis, OM 1952 - 58


John Ellis 1952 - 1958

1 Like Posted 2 years ago

What a surprise! These are my photos I took at the school around 1957 or 58, so I would like that to be acknowledged on them. Of course that is Lord James facing the camera in the corridor. I wonder where Rachel found them! I was an active member in the MGS Photographic Society throughout my time at school. Several members of staff were our mentors, such as Mr Hollowell, and Mr ("Tinker") Bell, and I spent many hours in the darkroom down in the basement. One of the most worthwhile aspects was the print portfolio we used to circulate for comment, including a new mounted print each time it came round, with comments (usually very polite) by other boys, many of whom were already very talented photographers that I could only hope to learn from, but could not hope to match in artistic and technical prowess.
After MGS I studied Chemical Engineering at Leeds University and then worked for fifteen years as a metallurgical engineer on the Zambian Copperbelt, followed by thirty-eight years in Australia, as a metallurgist and energy manager. I retired aged 77 and still live in Perth, Western Australia.

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