Hoots from the Archive – Our Oldest Document

Posted by System Administrator on 13 Feb 2018

Modified by Rachel Kneale on 13 Jan 2023

Our Oldest Document

A question we often ask boys who visit the archive is, “Just how old is the oldest item we hold?” The answer often given, quite logically, is 500 years old.
However, our oldest document is actually 660 years old, dating from 20th July 1357. It is a grant relating to the Usher’s House:

1. Richard de Crosshagh
2. Thomas, son of John le Hunt
All goods and chattels in Manchester
At Manchester, Weds. before the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 31 Edw III

When the school was given the land for its first buildings, it inherited a number of legal documents relating to land and property on Long Millgate, hence some of our archives predate 1515.

Rachel Kneale


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