MGS JSOC Lunch 2023

Posted by Sitara Bartle on 13 Mar 2023

Modified by Sitara Bartle on 13 Mar 2023

MGS JSOC Lunch 2023

On Sunday 12 March current pupils, parents and family members, staff and Old Mancunians came together in the Memorial Hall to celebrate the Jewish community in the school.

Head of the Jewish Society, Edward said: "It was an honour to be able to welcome everyone to the J-soc lunch this year. Looking around the room at the dozens of Jewish students and Old Mancunians who had all chosen to attend, I was reminded how generous MGS has always been to our community. In most schools, even having a J-soc would be unheard of, let alone running an annual meal in honour of it. Especially such that it then sparks an Islamic Society dinner, then a Christian Society dinner and, most recently, and LGBTQIA+ dinner!

"MGS has always been one of the most welcoming schools in the country. The High Master in his speech commented on the difference between being tolerant towards other religions, and being celebratory of them. Tolerance would be having Jewish students at the school. Celebratory is allowing them and their families all to gather in the Mem Hall, to have some good food, enjoy each others’ company, and have the honour of listening to an esteemed and well-respected speaker. His Honour Clement Goldstone KC was a phenomenal part of the event. He spoke brilliantly and captivated the attention of everyone in the room. It was incredible to hear him sharing his decades of accrued wisdom from his career as a barrister and a judge, and during the Q and A after he answered every question he was answered with the knowledge and clarity that only a lifetime in the legal profession can provide".

Edward concluded: "The most impressive thing to me was to see all these Jewish alumni who had had such a mark imprinted on them by the school that they chose to come back to our J-soc lunch to celebrate the school and its Jewish community. Looking around, it was really inspiring to understand the depths to which Judaism and Manchester Grammar are linked, and I have complete faith that MGS will sustain our Jewish community for all the years to come."


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