Since 1906, the School has held mock elections whenever a general election has been held, with a few exceptions. Here are the results from 1906 onwards, with the national result in brackets:
1906 - Liberal (Liberal)
1910 (Jan) - Liberal (Liberal)
1910 (Dec) - Liberal (Liberal)
1918 - Coalition Liberal (Coaltion Liberal)
1922 - National Liberal (Conservative)
1924 - Liberal (Conservative)
1929 - Liberal (Labour)
1931 - not held (half term) (National Labour)
1935 - Independent (Conservative)
1945 - Not held (half term)
1950 - Conservative
1955 - Conservative (Labour)
1959 - Conservative (Conservative)
1964 - Whig (Labour)
1966 - Conservative (Labour)
1970 - not held
1974 (Feb) - Liberal (Labour)
1974 (Oct) - Liberal (Labour)
1979 - Conservative (Conservative)
1983 - Conservative (Conservative)
1987 - Conservative (Conservative)
1992 - Conservative (Conservative)
1997 - Conservative (Labour)
2001 - Liberal Democrat (Labour)
2005 - Conservative (Labour)
2010 - Liberal Democrat (Conservative/Lib Dem Coalition)
2015 - Conservative (Conservative)
2017 - Labour (Conservative)
2019 - Liberal Democrat (Conservative)
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