Pavilion kitchen helpers

Posted by System Administrator on 17 May 2016

Modified by System Administrator on 14 Dec 2021

Pavilion Kitchen Helper

Every Saturday morning, during term time, the Pavilion kitchen is buzzing as a group of keen helpers make teas and coffees as well as delicious bacon butties to help raise funds for the Parents’ Society and contribute towards the Rugby Tour expenses too. Usually it is a happy band of mothers who muck in to get everything ready (it’s been noted that you can hear us laughing as you walk into the Pavilion!)

However, Saturday morning saw an addition to the crew in the form of Tom Bridgford (father of Jack in Year 8) who was man enough to don the pinny. Here he is just about to go and sell bacon butties to those on the touchline. It was great to see one of the dads helping out too. All helpers are welcome. We can promise you a lot of laughter, a warm cuppa and the smugness of knowing that you’re doing your bit. Even if you are only able to volunteer for one Saturday morning, all offers of help are very gratefully received.


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