Hoots from the Archive - Guest Hoot: The Hands on History S… This week's hoot is written by current MGS Student Ben Welfare The Hands on History Society first convened a couple of years ago, and was started by Dr. Hopkins and Mrs. Kneale as a way of letting pu… 0 2023 07/12/2023
Hoots from the Archive - News from the Archive: New Storage Since 2010 when I (Rachel) started working in the MGS archive, we have received numerous donations of material from Old Mancunians and other friends of the School. We have also been trying to add mat… 0 2023 30/08/2023
Hoots from the Archive - The Great Rebellion of 1688 Many readers will be familiar with the story of the MGS Rebellion when MGS boys barricaded themselves in the School for two weeks. Previously, we were only aware of a short secondhand account by Scho… 0 1688 20/07/2023
Hoots from the Archive - MGS in the News: "Pride over the p… The 450th anniversary of MGS in 1965 was an excellent opportunity for the School to garner some extra publicity in the press. In December, the Daily Mail published a very interesting interview with P… 0 1965 05/04/2023
Hoots from the Archive - Ulula at 150 - The Beginning This year marks the 150th anniversary of Ulula and this is the first in a running series showcasing some of the best bits of the School's magazine across the years. The majority of the Ulula archive … 0 1873 19/01/2023
"A Short History of Manchester Grammar School" by R.D. Hodg… R.D. Hodgson taught Modern Languages at MGS between 1894 and 1905. This history, which was published in 1905, was the first attempt at a history of the School since that of W.R. Whatton in 1827. RD H… 0 1905 13/01/2023
The Manchester Grammar School, 1515 - 1915 A History of Manchester Grammar School was planned for publication in 1915, on the School's 400th anniversary. The distinguished historian, G.N. Clark, had been tasked with writing it, but the Great … 0 1915 13/01/2023
Foundation Deeds Abstract Abstract of the Original Foundation Deed of the Manchester Free Grammar School "By Indenture, bearing date 20th August, 7th Henry VIII, between Hugh Oldham, bishop of Exeter, the Rev. Thomas Langley,… 0 1515 03/10/2022
Success in Oxbridge essay competitions Congratulations to our year 13 pupils who have been successful in various History essay competitions held by Cambridge and Oxford University. Teddy E, James G & Zach F were all commended for essays s… 0 2022 08/09/2022
Hoots from the Archive - Spotlight on Old Mancunians: Sir G… The archives recently received an enquiry from the great granddaughter of G N Clark. Rarely do we have to research the life of such a distinguished Old Mancunian. George Norman Clark was born in Hali… 0 2022 26/05/2022
Hoots from the Archive - Spotlight on Old Mancunians: Manmo… Manmohan Ghose was born in 1869 in Bhagalpur in Bengal. His parents were wealthy upper caste Hindus. His father, Krishna Ghose, was a surgeon and had undertaken his medical training at the University… 0 2022 12/05/2022
Hoots from the Archive - What's in a Name?: The Curious His… Although the precise name of their school is perhaps something which most pupils of MGS (as it is now most commonly called) would lose little sleep over, it is actually a subject with important histo… 0 2022 05/05/2022