Office Staff, 1907 Pollitt, Jepson (Porter), Etchells (H.M.'s Clerk), Cox (Receiver) and unamed office boy, 1907 0 1907 24/05/2023
"The Closing of the Doors at Long Millgate" Owen Cox and A. Jepson on the last day at Long Millgate 0 1931 24/05/2023
Wilf Robb Wilf was the School Porter from 1947 to 1987 and died in 1998. He was a vice-president (patron) of the 1997 Foundation Bursary Appeal and a Memorial Bursary exists in his name. 0 1950 24/05/2023
Ian Bailey Ian Bailey attended MGS between 1927 and 32. He later returned to teach History in 1949, and later created and curated the MGS Archive. The Archive Library is named after Ian in recognition of his … 0 2000 24/05/2023
Hoots from the Archive - The Prince and the Porter One of the more memorable events which took place as part of the MGS 'Charities Fortnight' of 2001, was that of the 'sponsored job-exchange' between the High Master of the time, Martin Stephen and po… 0 2022 29/09/2022
Hoots from the Archive - MGS in the News: "Goodbye to the O… Just prior to the Old Hall Lane buildings opening in September 1931, The Guardian published a piece describing the Long Millgate site as it was closed. The Receiver, Owen Cox, and the Head Porter, Ma… 0 2022 19/05/2022