Hoots from the Archive - The Longest High Master: Charles L… There have been forty-three High Masters during the Manchester Grammar School's five hundred year history, but by far the longest serving is Charles Lawson. He held the role from 1764 until 1807, an … 0 2024 18/04/2024
Hoots from the Archive - The MGS Corridors The corridors at MGS with their distinctive green tiles often stay in the memory long after a pupil has left. They are a part of the School that has not changed much since 1931, and are instantly rec… 0 2024 27/03/2024
Hoots from the Archive - The History of the Pavilion This summer, the Pavilion will be knocked down to make way for a brand new Sixth Form Centre and Pavilion. The original Pavilion, opened in 1956, was the first addition to the site since the first bu… 0 1956 15/02/2024
Hoots from the Archive - Items from the Archive - Changing … Memories of school days often centre around the physical space we once occupied. Images of our former classrooms can evoke strong emotions. They can also give some insight into teaching methods and c… 0 2023 11/01/2024
Hoots from the Archive - Guest Hoot: The Hands on History S… This week's hoot is written by current MGS Student Ben Welfare The Hands on History Society first convened a couple of years ago, and was started by Dr. Hopkins and Mrs. Kneale as a way of letting pu… 0 2023 07/12/2023
Hoots from the Archive - Then and Now: The Quadrangle Work on the buildings at Old Hall Lane began in 1929, just at the start of the Great Depression. The School struggled to sell the old buildings on Long Millgate, and so there were financial constrain… 0 2023 02/11/2023
Hoots from the Archive - The Second School at Long Millgate We have recently received a number of papers that once belonged to A.A. Mumford, who was employed as the first Medical Officer from 1909 - 1928. Mumford wrote the first modern history of the School w… 0 1776 26/10/2023
Hoots from the Archive - "Tis Fifty Years Since: Reminiscen… This interesting retrospective by an anonymous Old Mancunian was published in Ulula in March 1904: "Within the last half century Manchester, in common with all our large commercial towns, has undergo… 0 2023 19/10/2023
Hoots from the Archive - MGS in the News: "The Grammar Scho… When Manchester Grammar School made the move from Long Millgate to Rusholme, the famous cast iron owl came too. The Manchester Guardian published this photograph of Receiver Owen Cox with the owl rea… 0 1931 09/03/2023
Hoots from the Archive - Ulula at 150 - You Read Them Here … This year marks the 150th anniversary of Ulula and this is the first in a running series showcasing some of the best bits of the School's magazine across the years. The majority of the Ulula archive … 0 1908 16/02/2023
"The Architect and Building News" article on Old Hall Lane … In October 1931, an article was published in “The Architect and Building News” on the design of the new school buildings which had been opened in the autumn of that year. To read the full article, fo… 0 1931 15/02/2023
Hoots from the Archive - An MGS Transformation - "The Cages" Many Old Mancunians who were at MGS pre-1982 will have memories of a particular space at the very heart of the School – the area nicknamed “The Cages”. Whilst much mentioned, the archive does not hav… 0 1982 09/02/2023
MGS for Sale - The Long Millgate Particulars Booklet When the School had set in place firm plans to move from Long Millgate out to Rusholme, the Long Millgate site and buildings were put up for sale. Here is the original sale booklet. Little did the Go… 0 1929 27/01/2023
Images of Old Hall Lane Buildings These images originally appeared in an edition of “The Architect and Building News” on completion of the buildings in 1931. They are probably the first images taken of the new school before opening: … 0 1931 17/01/2023
Hoots from the Archive - Items from the Archive - The Early… This academic year, the archive has been used by Year 5 boys from the Junior School as part of a scheme of work on local history. We have used various objects and documents as jumping off points to d… 0 2022 27/10/2022
Hoots from the Archive - Then and Now It's always interesting to compare photographs of the school grounds and buildings and see what has changed. Comparisons between school facilities in Long Millgate and Old Hall Lane are also wort… 0 2022 25/08/2022
Hoots from the Archive - "New Look for an Old School" In 1951, The Illustrated London News, a weekly magazine focused on photography, published an article by Louis Golding (OM 1908 - 14) on Manchester Grammar School. The article was richly illustrated w… 0 2022 09/06/2022
Hoots from the Archive - MGS in the News: "Goodbye to the O… Just prior to the Old Hall Lane buildings opening in September 1931, The Guardian published a piece describing the Long Millgate site as it was closed. The Receiver, Owen Cox, and the Head Porter, Ma… 0 2022 19/05/2022
Moving Hugh Oldham The statue of Hugh Oldham was originally situated at the back of the School near the Chemistry department. In 2014, Hugh was moved to the main quad, occupying a more prominent position ready for… 0 2014 18/03/2022
The School in snow, 1950s - Photos by John Ellis These two photographs were taken by John Ellis, OM 1952 - 58 0 1950 18/03/2022
Sports Hall Storm Damage The Sports Hall suffered significant damage due to a storm in 2014. It was demolished and rebuilt. 0 2014 18/03/2022
The Theatre, pre-2009 Photographs taken just before the theatre was renovated in 2009 0 2009 18/03/2022