The Route followed most of the Alta Via No.1, which stretches from Lago di Braies in the north to Belluno in the south. Our route passed through the massifs of Sennes Alp, Fanes Alp, Tofana, Nuvolau, Croda da Lago, Pelmo, Civetta, Moiazza, Tamer and Talvena. There were valley camps at Rifugio Saré (above San Cassiano) and Cortina. The summits climbed were: Croda del Becco (2810), la Varella (3055), Tofana di Rozes (3225), and Nuvolau (2575). This was a joint trek with Manchester Grammar School and Aylesbury Grammar School.
Leaders MGS: Gerry Leversha, Allan Witton AGS: Chris Little, Mike Hamment Coach Driver: Dennis Hughes. The illustrated log contains a full party list.
Featured image: Walking up past Cinque Torre
Below is the link to the illustrated Trek log for the 1983 Trek:
Foreign Trek 1980 Dolomites - Alta Via 1.pdf
Allan Witton
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