ISRSA Essay Competition 2022

Posted by Sitara Bartle on 23 Jun 2022

Modified by Sitara Bartle on 04 Aug 2022

ISRSA Essay Competition 2022

Congratulations to Israel T-B, Riccardo S, Gurjus C and Kingsley A who were all successful in this year’s Theology, Philosophy and Religion Essay competition 2022!

A special mention to year 9 pupil Kingsley who was awarded First Prize, with the other pupils receiving Commendation Awards for their efforts!

Year 7 pupil Israel was delighted with his commendation and said: "My Theology essay was on whether the Crossing of the Red Sea should be interpreted as a miracle or not. Using the essay structure we learnt in RS was very helpful in the making of the essay. And though it was slightly hard to come up with the last few concrete reasons, with my extra insight upon Christianity  (as I am a Christian) I came up with them easily enough. I enjoyed writing the essay and I hope that it was just as enjoyable to read".

Year 9 pupil Gurjus commented on his experiences, saying: "I was pleased to get commended in this rs competition. I thought the topic of different ultimate realities were very interesting and which way they point too".

Year 9 pupil Riccardo said: "The ISRSA competition was truly a great opportunity for me to write an essay on philosophy. Year 9 has made my passion for philosophy grow immensely and I am very grateful that there are great opportunities such as this where I can use knowledge that I have gained from school and take it to another level. The question itself ("Is true liberty freedom from the control of others?") was difficult at first, but once I gathered up my ideas, it was very fun to finish of my essay. Overall, this was a great experience."

These were especially impressive results, given that this is the first year in which pupils from MGS have entered this competition! Well done everyone! 



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